When is the right time to do an MBA?
An MBA is a big investment. Not only from a financial perspective, but also in terms of your time and energy. Getting the timing right is important if you want to maximise your chance of admission, as well as the impact that an MBA can have on your career.
These are the 3 most important factors to consider when it comes to the timing of your MBA.
1. Financial – Are you financially prepared to undertake an MBA at this point in your life? An MBA can give you a great ROI when it comes to future salary, but it may not happen overnight. Have you planned for the cost, or explored options like scholarships, employer sponsorships, or financing? These are important factors to consider when deciding whether to pursue an MBA, and which format is the right one for you.
2. Career – Does it make sense for your career to do an MBA now? An MBA can be a great platform to make a career change, and it can also be instrumental when it comes to career acceleration. You need to be clear about why you are doing an MBA, and why it makes sense at this stage in your career.
3. Personal – It’s important to consider whether the timing is right from a personal perspective. Do you have the mental space to pursue an MBA now, and are you prepared that there may be some sacrifices along the way? Weigh up whether you can fit in an MBA as well as your existing responsibilities and commitments.
An MBA is more than a degree—it’s a strategic move. If it feels like the right time for you, start preparing by researching programmes and speaking to alumni.
Get in touch if you’d like some advice on how to plan your application strategy.
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